Monday, August 31, 2015

Stephen Hawkins: For The Diginity of Science Please Follow The Laws of Science

      Quote of the night Stephen Hawkins "All is not lost if you fall into a black hole –you could simply pop up in another universe" 


              Okay I know how arrogant of me to think I can answer such a historical figure as Stephen Hawkins. Dear reader please refer back to my open-minded post because you need to be open-minded for this post.
             I give you my word reader that this weekends post will be lighthearted. We will take a break from the head spinning deep topics and investigate the greatness in the simpleton! I already have the perfect person to interview for the organically beautiful topic.

BUT For tonight lets go deep;)
             What is Science? Scientific observation is the core of scientific law or process. The skill of scientist is to make observation. Bam that's the key to science! 
             I do not believe need be to add sources to this statement due to the simple fact that no scientist would argue the statement---> But if you most challenge the statement just know;)-----> I will have many definitions at my finger tips to prove my claim;)
           Stephen Hawkins is quoted as saying

"All is not lost if you fall into a black hole –you could simply pop up in another universe" 

Dear reader what have we observed about black holes to scientifically claim such statements because all we know about black holes is that they are BLACK!!!

          No one has observed anything else on the topic and its not the only topic scientist will break their own rules that command them to be realest who believe only what they observe. Have we ever met anyone who has observed the beginning? The beginning being the starting point to this evolution process know as the Universe which has produced mankind (AKA it has produced you).

          For the love of science can we please follow its rules and stop grasping at straws to disprove an Author (God The Great I AM) being the only reasonable logical conclusion! It makes our society look desperately sad in our attempt to reason our way into being our own gods.

If you desire to know more on Hawkins views which you should (He is a genius) go to

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Purpose Behind Unmasking Purpose

I am certian of my ultimate outcome because what has been done for me on the Cross. This is why I find peace in my clueless about the now.
It's all working towards Jesus my Saviors beautiful story.
The arrogant pride deeply rooted in the depth of my human nature is a fight I lose everyday on my own.
I need Jesus I get lost in me without him!
I fear my constant talk of Jesus may sound preachy and thus scare ppl off and have them dislike me.

Then I remember the greatest miracle and wonder Jesus ever performs is Salvation. The ppl Jesus reaches through my non social accepted ways will be God's greatest miracle which has also replayed daily since his victory on the cross as ppl
 "from every tribe tongue and nation" experience salvation.
Lest America forget the gospel Is the great miracle of the Blood On The Cross!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Tim Keller on Peace

This video by Tim Keller on peace is even for the strongest of the strong.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Hurting

Tonight I want to take a moment and tell anyone who might be hurting I am here for you. Contact me via message if you need a friend. If you are hurting it does not matter the reason there is hope and I may not know how to help everyone but I know I care and can find you something or someone to help. If your hurting YouTube "He Knows" Jeremy Camp. Isaiah 40:31 For those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles run and not grow weary, walk and not faint. I'd love to pray for anyone who has a need. Thank you to all who support Unmasking Purpose I look forward to Friday nights post on the future.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Emptiness of Success Part One.

       So let's continue our series, Unmasking Purpose.
Today I am choosing to target what the world perceives as happiness. Success whether it be fame, wealth, popularity, or a successful love life are what the world perceives as the ultimate goal of life. Before I begin to disclose the flaws in this thinking, Let me give you a list of names I have studied extensively:

  • John D. Rockefeller
  • Winston Churchill
  • J.P. Morgan
  • Andrew Carneigi
  • Teddy Roosevelt
  • Steve Jobs
  • C.S. Lewis
  • Donald Trump
  • Cornelius Vanderbelt
  • Bill Gates
  • Henry Ford
  • Thomas Edison
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • John Adams
And many more
        All the above men, are men that in later posts I will dive into more depth to prove my theory.
But for now, Let me tell you about my story. Starting at the age of fifteen, I had the undying will to do something of significance. As a young adult, pursuing my dreams, I have found my obsession for this goal to be a driving force which has led me to a place not many 21 year olds can say they are. Throughout my childhood I struggled with many fights with my family. At the pinnacle of which, I left in a rage, never to return, tired of the constant assault.
        During this period, my landscaping company Sporting Turfs was growing at an astronomical rate. And my ambitious dream was leading me into Washington state. As I was packing ready to leave, I was offered a job from Viatek that after my salary and commission, it would have been a minimum of 55,000. (21 year old no college degree)

        The job I promptly declined, although grateful for the opportunity.

        I laughed to myself while packing my bags for Washington State. That just one week before I found myself in an assylum hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.
My depression over the last few months had spiraled out of control and I knew I needed change. My reasoning and logic behind the move was although I did not know a single person west of Arkansas, I had done it before and I would grow Sporting Turfs again; but this time more successfully.

       Fast forward eight months, 63 clients, two trucks, and five part time employees. I start my talks with John Deere of Tennessee to move home. With $10,000 on the table from another business in Washington, I happily accept and sell my landscape business.

I had just sold a business I started from scratch at 20 years old for 10 grand with under eight months of work.

        I should be happy, right? After all, Im accomplishing my dream to be significant, Im on the right track. 

The road to happiness is paved with purpose. I look forward to seeing you, my dear reader in The Emptiness of Success Part Two.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Let the Journey Begin With an Open-mind

            To my dear Reader: Please understand this series builds on itself. If you join now without reading from the beginning you will miss the logic train. To understand this series the reader needs to be aware that I will pull statements from previous posts that will hold crucial information supporting my claims.

            Okay I understand I started a journey on Unmasking Purpose and you my dear reader are now wondering what gives me (Ben Rollins) the authority to write on this subject?
            How dare a 21 year old kid who has no college degree, and has never been the popular or likable guy say he knows the secret?
          Be forewarned I myself have suffered from depression. What would entice a person like myself to believe I can write on Purpose much less Unmask its secret?
           To answer that question  dear reader is precisely why you must read with an open-mind and discover with me if I am a lunatic or if Unmasking Purpose can be a secret given freely even to a 21 year old whose life from the outside looking in might seem like a train wreck.
                                                            Quote #1
"If a person does not understand that the purpose of life defines lifestyle, then the lifestyle itself is hollow and the life is squandered." Ravi Zacharias
     Purpose can only exist if a person believes they have meaning 
  1.   purpose is meaning
  2.  meaning is the why to the existence of life. 
Therefore where you place your purpose in life will ultimately determine
  1. how you reason why you exist 
  2. Why you have life 
Purpose is identity therefore if your identity gets taken so will your desire to live. 
                                                            Theory #1
                                           Understanding What The Bible Is
       Boom I revealed my religious card.. Keep reading this point on the Bible is a crucial stepping stone to finding true purpose.
       If the Bible is the book of time and not a manual on how to live this life it changes everything.
As a book of time indicates the Bible essentially is a history of time. History of time means it is reporting time therefore the Bible is reportage.
Why is that significant?
       To understand why this changes everything you first have to see what the Bible is reporting. Next you must ask do I believe what the Bible is reporting?? just like you would when watching ABC news.

What does the bible report of time?

       It reveals the meaning of why time exists, it reveals why man needed Jesus, it reveals how all created beings are made for a purpose, and most significant is that the Bible reports Jesus is the son of God and that he is the point.

      The Bible is reporting Jesus if you miss this and read it as a manual on how to live a moral life you will fall into confusion when you read events in the Bible that are simply reporting the fall of man and thus think those vs are teaching you how to live when in all actuality the Bible as a history of time would only be reporting events to demonstrate the need man has for Jesus.
       Key points Reportage of time is not the same as a manual to live.
This means we must discover for ourselves if we believe what the Bible reports due to the fact that it reports the following in Philippians

"Christ Jesus, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death–even death on a cross! 9 Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father. (Phil 2:6-11)".