Sunday, March 6, 2016


My dear readers, I know I have not written in a few months. Unfortunately, time is scarce for me so without wasting time allow me to dive right into tonight’s point. Identity in the dictionary is defined as “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is”. Identity is our very core being--what we truly live for and what makes up our very being. Why we choose to live could be summed up as our identity. Here is the problem: deeply rooted there is a pain in all of us. Something is amiss. The realization of certain death hangs over us as a dark cloud. But why we live tortures our reasoning souls. Ladies and gentlemen you do not have to believe in God to believe in the curse.
Leo Tolstoy, when he was an atheist, wrote the following:

"What's the point? We all get up in the morning, go to bed in the evening, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, and work, day after day after day, but . . . What's it all about? Why? Where is this all leading? "Imagine a happy group of morons who are engaged in work. They are carrying bricks in an open field. As soon as they have stacked all the bricks at one end of the field, they proceed to transport them to the opposite end. This continues without stop and every day of every year they are busy doing the same thing. One day one of the morons stops long enough to ask himself what he is doing. He wonders what purpose there is in carrying the bricks. And from that instant on he is not quite as content with his occupation as he had been before. I am the moron who wonders why he is carrying the bricks." Do you see it, my friends? “If your origin is insignificant and your destination is insignificant have the guts to admit your life is insignificant” In Psalms 37:4 we read “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Due to our identity being defined as “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is,” I’d like to challenge my readers to push their imagination deeper into this verse. Is it possible that God is saying that the desire of our heart is our god? And that only if the desire of our heart is in the Lord will we ever have meaning or purpose? Is it possible that when we read “Delight yourself in the LORD” that He himself will become the desire of your heart? Readers, I am of the firm belief that when we place our purpose for life in any other source than God himself, then the thing we place our identity in will kill us. This is so dangerously deceptive because I am here to tell you that you can place your identity in doing God’s work which is not God himself and thus deadly.

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